Other Costs and Incidental Charges
Parents/Caregivers are responsible for the payment of the following costs:
IT Device
Parents/Caregivers are referred to the Laptop Lease Program for all information on the requirements and leasing of IT devices for student use.
Laptop Repairs
The College, via the IT Technicians employed at Cardijn College, will deal with issues students have with their leased devices (not personal laptops) and repair damage where possible. Families will be charged a $100 excess fee which is payable before repairs commence.
Replacement Laptop Charger
Replacement laptop chargers can be purchased from the finance office for $40.00. The cost for these will not be added to family accounts.
Stationery Requirements
Students will be provided with a list of stationery requirements for their year level needs for 2024 by the end of the 2023 school year. Students are required to return to the College at the start of the 2024 school year with all the required stationery.
Resource Fee
A Resource Fee of $50 per student is charged to cover the locker padlock, some materials for workshop activities, and some school-supplied stationery.
Tools of Trade
Students undertaking trade training will require their own PPE (safety glasses, steel-capped boots, long-sleeved high-vis shirt, trade pants). These students will also receive information regarding the requirement for a starter tool kit with various options included.
Replacement ID Cards
All students will be provided with an ID card at the commencement of the School Year. Cost to provide a replacement card is $9.00 per card. Payment for a replacement ID card will need to be made via the Finance Office before the new card is provided. The cost for these will not be added to family fee accounts.
Year 12 Additional Costs
A Year 12 Jumper will need to be ordered and will require payment before collection. The cost of these will not be added to family fee accounts.
Discounts and Remissions
Family Discount
Cardijn College offers the following family discounts for families with more than one student attending across our three campuses in the same school year:
Two Children 11% off Tuition Fees
Three Children 20% off Tuition Fees
Four Children 33% off Tuition Fees
Southern Regional Sibling Discount
A $280 reduction is offered for each sibling attending one of our 4 Catholic Primary Schools in the Southern Vales.
Application forms are available from the office or on our website and must be completed each year.
Southern Region Discount Form
Advance Payment
Fees for the 2024 school year will be billed at the beginning of the year. All parents/caregivers who pay the entire year’s fees in full by the due date of 8 March 2024 will receive a 5% discount off the net Tuition Fee (tuition less family discount). This discount will only apply to families paying full fees. Where low-income discount or other fee remissions has been applied, families will be required to pay the full discounted amount with no further discounts provided.
Vocational Education and Training (Vet) Fees
Please refer to your child’s individual agreement.
Families in Financial Difficulties (including School Card eligibility)
The College's fee policy ensures that all students are given the opportunity to succeed by offering:
- Family Discounts
- Significant fee remissions for families on low income
Fee Remission for School Card
All families eligible for school card are entitled to a 50% reduction in their tuition fees (inclusive of family discount). Forms are available from the Finance Office or online at www.sa.gov.au and must be applied for each year.
All School Card remissions will be applied on fee accounts once approval has been received from the Department for Education.
Families are advised that where school card is applicable, the balance payable after school card discount is to be paid either in full prior to 8 March 2024 or via regular direct debit commencing no later than 8 March 2024.
Fee Remission for Families in Financial Difficulties
The College has a Fee Policy that supports families who are experiencing financial difficulties. To assist, you are encouraged to contact the Finance Department to discuss.
Depending on your personal circumstances, the following documents are required to assess your eligibility:
- Application for Special Financial Consideration
- Proof of income - ATO Full Taxation Return
- Centrelink Income Summary Statement
- Any other income documents e.g. Child Support, Rental Property Income
- Proof of mortgage/rent repayments
All Fee Remissions need to be applied annually. All discussions and arrangements are in the strictest confidence.
Separated Families
Family accounts will be billed as per the signed enrolment form. Where this represents a separated family, the College expects the enrolling parents/caregivers to work out payment arrangements between themselves, ensuring all fees are paid. Any such arrangement will have no bearing on the joint and/or separate liability that exists via the enrolment documentation. Dual statements can be arranged for enrolling parents on request.
Cardijn College Marcellin Campus requires at least one term’s notice if you are withdrawing your child/children for a long period during the school year. Any reduction in fees payable during this period will need to be discussed with the College Business Manager (only negotiable for a period greater than one term in length). The College reserves the right to charge a nominal fee to hold the enrolment place during this period of absence. Parents/Caregivers not advising the College of a long period of absence are expected to pay full fees to maintain enrolment at Cardijn College during this period.
Withdrawing from Cardijn College Marcellin Campus
A notification period of one full term is required by the College. Notification must be in writing to the Registrar. Failure to provide the required notice will result in fees being charged for the following term in accordance with our current fee policy.
Should a student be required to leave the College for any reason, the fee for the relative period of enrolment will be charged based on the number of weeks of attendance prior to officially leaving the College.
Cardijn College Marian & Marcellin Finance Office
Phone: 8392 9500
Email: finance@cardijn.catholic.edu.au